US Postal Service Every Door Direct (EDDM)

Frequently Asked Questions???

What is Every Door Direct?

This is a new program that the U.S. Postal Service set up that allows businesses to use the mail for $.145 per piece (That’s right 14.5¢). A Postcard stamp is 29¢ and regular postage is 45¢. More information is available at

Why would I want to know about this new program?

It allows your business to mail to the homes more likely to buy from you.
No need to buy a mailing list and print names and addresses on your mailings.
Reduces mail preparation and postage costs.
Build more traffic, find new customers and increase revenue at a lower cost.

What types of businesses would use Every Door Direct Mail?

Retail: Restaurants, stores, retail shops, community groups, auto dealers, super markets, etc.

Service-based: Salons, spas, auto repair, home improvement & home services, health-care, fitness clubs, banks, realtors, dry cleaners, attorneys, insurance agencies, real estate firms, etc.

What can I mail?

Postcards, brochures and catalogs as long as it meets commercial flat requirements.

What are commercial flat requirements?

Packages must be more than 11.5” long or 6.125” high or .25” thick and weigh less the 15.994 oz. The largest size allowable is 12” x 15”. Regular letters and smaller postcards do not qualify.

Who can I mail to?

You must mail to every home, apartment and business in a mail route. Each route has 400 – 700 homes and businesses in it. You can eliminate businesses by changing the label that is printed on the mailing piece.

Where do I find the routes I want to mail to?

The post office created a website called the Simplified Mailing Process. On this site you can start an account that allows you to look up zips codes and mail routes yourself, or our company will take care of this for you. sign in, click on “get started by retail”

How many can I mail at one time?

Between 200-5000 pieces at one time. If you require larger quantities call for assist.

Are permits or paperwork necessary?

No bulk rate permit is necessary, however, you must either open an account following the guidelines recommended on the Simplified Mailing web site, or Top Hat Marketing can do the mailing for you. The paperwork is reasonably simple, however, there are guidelines to meet and the website will automatically generate the paperwork for you. You must also bundle the pieces into packs of 50.

Why are you telling me all about this?

We are looking for the chance to quote on the printing and to do the paperwork if you don’t have time or don’t want to learn how. See the other side for how we can help you.

How can we help you with this?

We can supply graphic designers and a short worksheet that will aid you in effectively developing your message. In addition we will verify that all postal requirements are met, help you with choosing key areas of delivery, count, bundle and deliver to the post office for you. We can also save you up to 75% by combining your business with other businesses. Our printing volume allows you to receive the lowest pricing available.

What if I want to use my own designer or do the paper work myself?

We can work with any graphic designer. If you choose to do the paper work, just email us at [email protected] and I will supply you with a free report on how to do it yourself.

What printing specials do we offer?

Post Cards: Two sides full color with UV coating.

6.5” x 8”

1000 = $149 2500 = $219 5000 = $339

6.5” x 12”

1000 = $169 2500 = $259 5000 = $379

8” x 10”

1000 = $189 2500 = $299 5000 = $449

9” x 12”

1000 = $259 2500 = $399 5000 = $599

Brochures: Full color, 100# UV coated paper, folded in half.

1000 = $334 2500 = $459 5000 = $659 Prices are good for 60 days.

What is the cost to process the mailing for me?

Printing and processing: $25 for 1000 pieces $35 for 2500 pieces $50 for 5000 pieces

Processing only: $50 for up to 2500 pieces $75 for 5000 pieces

What is the next step?

Tell us if you would like to mail alone or with other businesses, the size piece you require printed, and the area of delivery. We will send you a written quote upon receiving the information. It takes 2-3 days to design and an additional 7-8 days to print and complete the paper work.

How does the payment work?

There are two payments required, one for printing and processing, and one for postage.