The open rate of SMS is 98 percent compared with 22 percent for emails. (Source: Venture Beat)

Text messages can be EIGHT TIMES more effective at engaging customers. (Source: Cellit)

85% of smartphone users would rather “give up drinking water” than delete their mobile apps. (Source: Apigee)

43% of customers are more likely to make a purchase when mobile offers are part of an orchestrated campaign that unfolds over time across multiple channels. (Source: Responsys)

90% of consumers who have joined mobile loyalty programs feel they have gained value from them. (Source: Zoomerang)

Nearly two-thirds of consumers subscribed to mobile marketing indicate that they have made a purchase as a result of receiving a highly relevant mobile message. (Source: Responsys)

An estimated 54 million consumers in the U.S. will use smartphone coupons in 2014. (Source: eMarketer)

Mobile offers are redeemed TEN TIMES more frequently than print offers. (Source: eMarketer)

*Texting sees an engagement rate 6 to 8 times higher than email marketing.
*Text messages are usually read within 5 seconds of receipt!
*SMS coupons are 10 times more likely to be redeemed than print or email coupons.
*70% of people say they would actually like to receive offers on their mobile phones!

74 million people in the US have opted in to receive text messsages.

The average US mobile user spends 2.7 hrs per day socializing on a mobile device.

86% of respondents with loyalty programs say Mobile Marketing has been successful.

Source: Sound Bit Corp. 2012

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